Investment company KAMA FLOW as a leading investor will finance the Campus project - a superapp for students of 100 universities and colleges, which combines educational technologies and human resource management technologies. KAMA FLOW's investment will amount to RUB 25 million, the total volume of the round is about RUB 60 million.

The Campus project is aimed at creating a unified digital ecosystem for students. The application includes class schedules, analytical data on teachers, university events, online courses to prepare for sessions and develop professional skills, as well as sections for finding internships and case championships. Class schedules have already been developed and launched for students from 57 universities, as well as 19 junior programmes.

"For us, this is the first investment in a project at the intersection of EdTech and HRTech. We see great market potential, as the demand for digital educational products is growing. The Campus project has a large target audience - it already has almost 200,000 monthly average active users. These are people who are interested in using educational products and are willing to pay for them. Every year the potential audience of the application is replenished by 1.2 million freshmen. At the same time, we see a shortage of highly qualified staff on the market, including at entry-level positions and difficulties with recruitment. Campus' focus on the student audience will allow us to offer employers new HR services that contribute to solving it," commented Sergey Gaivoronsky, Investment Director of KAMA FLOW.

"Campus has two key monetisation lines: selling exam preparation courses and helping students find internships. The EdTech strand includes selling courses in subjects such as higher maths, linear algebra, probability theory, macro and microeconomics, physics, chemistry, Python and C++ programming. The HRTech area includes assistance in finding internships and hiring employees for partner companies. This helps companies quickly close the needs of interns and entry-level grads. Employers do not need to interact with 100 universities and colleges, all they need to do is post information in Campus. Partners include Yandex, Infowork, SKB Kontur and others.

"Campus" grew out of an idea to scale student associations for exam preparation. Later, the startup team decided to make a superapp where, apart from courses, there would be other options useful to students. According to the funders, pure EdTech is a narrow niche, so they tried to make a product with the widest possible functionality.

"The project team has a goal that users come to the app and stay there for a long time. The round is aimed at scaling the HR direction, connecting 100 colleges and universities to the Campus scheduling system and multiplying the MAU of the app," commented project cofunder Yulia Egorova.