3 DiVi and MIPT have opened a joint laboratory
In March 2022, a new joint laboratory with 3DiVi was opened on the basis of the MIPT Physics and Technology School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. The laboratory will be engaged in promising research in the field of machine learning for computer vision in order to reach leading positions in international rankings, in particular, NIST FRVT.
Created by graduates of MIPT from the Chelyabinsk region in 2011, 3DiVi is one of the leading international companies in the field of development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies for computer vision.
The company is already quite well known on the international market thanks to two commercially successful software products: Nuitrack Platform, a popular alternative to Microsoft Kinect SDK licensed by Intel, Orbbec, LG and Face Recognition SDK, which is in the top of the NIST FRVT rating.
The technological basis of the company is its own full-cycle Machine Learning platform, which includes DataGen, AutoML, MLOps tools, and is used for industrial development of algorithms - from image classification to human behavior analysis.
Combining the competencies of FPMI in the field of machine learning and practical developments of 3DiVi on the basis of a joint laboratory will ensure the technological leadership of Russian technologies in the international market.
"There are 45 researchers and programmers working in the Chelyabinsk and St. Petersburg offices of the company, and it is planned to increase the staff at least twice within two years. MIPT was at the origins of the company, now it's our turn to help a new generation of MIPT students take the first step into high-tech business. We offer students internship opportunities, research projects and employment opportunities.
I am sure that our company can be especially interesting to students from the Ural region as an opportunity to complete a summer internship and, after graduation, find an interesting job in their native region," says Dmitry Morozov, Director of Development at 3DiVi.
"FPMI is not only a center of attraction for talents from all regions of our country, but also a school that is as open as possible to interaction with the regions. We are doing everything in our power and even more to promote the development of science and education throughout Russia. Here is our scholarship program "Mentor of future physicists", and our regional scientific and educational mathematical centers in Adygea and Pskov, and the School of Deep Learning, and many other initiatives. We are very pleased that all the major players in our IT industry choose us as an anchor partner. But it is equally important to us that among our partners there are more and more companies that have grown up far from Moscow. The opening of the laboratory with a company from Chelyabinsk is one of the most significant events for us. I am sure there will be many more such success stories! Together we are raising a big family of a big Phys Tech, a big FPMI," said Andrey Raigorodsky, director of the Phys Tech School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at MIPT.
3DiVi Inc is an international developer of body and face tracking technologies for the Internet of Things, video surveillance, robotics and biometrics. A portfolio company of the NTI Venture Fund managed by KamaFlow. In 2021, it attracted 140 million rubles from the fund.